Apr 5 / Dana Grindal

Church Arise


This morning I was on a zoom prayer call. We were praying for the church body. In this season where the church has left the building, we recognize this is a season of transformation. As we prayed I saw a clip from the movie Wonder Woman. It’s the scene where they are in the bunker. They need to crossover but the enemy has control of the territory. They are trapped. Hidden. Powerless. The voices of those in the bunker tell Wonder Woman she cannot cross. It’s too dangerous. The warfare is too great. But she does not listen to those voices. She climbs up out of the bunker in her full armor and stands. She begins to walk. The enemy shoots are her. She deflects and starts moving faster and faster, taking more ground. The soldiers join her reclaiming the land and defeating the enemy. 

The Lord gave the revelation that this is for His church. We have stayed hidden in the bunker. Trying to stay out of the fight. Below the line of fire. Listening to the voices of fear that say you cannot make a difference. It’s too dangerous. The enemy is too great. But the Lord says no more. This is the time for His church to arise. Children of God Arise! Stand in plain sight. No more hiding. Stand up in your authority as sons and daughters of the Most High. Put on the full armor of God. Grab your sword and shield. Fix your eyes on your territory. And take back the land the enemy has stolen. 

How do we fight? In the Spirit. 

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12, NASB).

What territory has God called you to? What is He asking you to let go of? What is He asking you to move forward with? What voices keep you in the bunker? What part of your land is under enemy fire or control? Remember who you are. Stand in your authority. War in the Spirit. Fight the right enemy. Take back your territory. 

We are warring in prayer for you. If there is a specific area you would like us to pray please contact us. Let’s take back territory together. 
In Christ,
Dana Grindal
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