Lesson series
FREE TO BE ME: Freedom from Fear, Anxiety and Pain
This nine-week long course empowers men, women and young people to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts, emotions and behaviors, no matter how long standing or debilitating.
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In this course
we will discuss healing and freedom from
Meet the authors
Laura & Dana

Dana Grindal
Dana and Laura partner together to facilitate Free To Be Me, a nine-week online course empowering men, women and young people to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts, emotions and behaviors, no matter how long standing or debilitating. Discover the joy of your true identity while breaking free from fearful, shame-based mindsets. This course is ideal for individuals, married couples, parents and teens, and small group studies. Laura and Dana share a passion for seeing people of all ages set free. They teach from a biblical foundation, incorporating science and authentic personal experiences. Connect and learn more at www.LauraGallier.com
www.DanaGrindal.com or follow their podcast at www.fearlessandfreecommunity.com.

Laura Gallier
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